Hola! Linda sorpresa leer que fui premiada tres veces por mi blog... Melothria, Laura y Rachael me dejaron estos premios que me emocionaron mucho... Melothria es diseñadora y propietaria de Digital Arts Cafe, mi primera experiencia en el scrapping digital y donde me he sentido en familia. Laura es moderadora de los foros en Digital Arts Cafe y nos hemos convertido en grandes amigas, y finalmente Rachael, maravillosa diseñadora de Digital Arts Cafe y la primera persona en confiar en mi y darme la oportunidad de pertenecer a su equipo creativo. Gracias a las tres por este premio que atesoro... A su vez yo debo pasar el premio a otras siete personas...
Las reglas son:
- El ganador puede colocar el logo en su Blog.
- Haz el link de la persona que te premió.
- Nomina al menos, otros 7 Blogs.
- Colocar los links de esas personas en tu Blog.
- Deja un mensaje en los Blogs premiados.
Mis escogidas son:
- Melothria -Aunque ya fue premiada, es uno de mis blogs mas visitados.
- Rachael - Por creer en mi y ser tan especial.
- Laura - Por ser una amiga muy especial.
- Mozz - Mi nueva amiga australiana quien diseña precioso!
- Lita - Mi querida amiga puertorriqueña que narra maravillosamente sus experiencias!
- Beatriz - Mi querida amiga Española
- Scrapshana - Una maravillosa diseñadora que tiene tres hijos como yo y me dejó un comentario muy lindo que tocó mi corazón...
Hi! I had a nice surprise yesterday when I read I'd been awarded three times! Melothria, Laura and Rachael left me them. Melothria is a Digital designer and the owner of Digitals Arts Cafe, my first experience in Digital Scrapbooking,and where I feel in family. Laura is one of Digital Arts cafe forum moderators and we are great friends now. Rachael is a marvelous designer from Digital Arts Cafe and the first artist who trusted me and give me the chance to be in her Creative Team. Thanks to all of you for this treasured award...
The rules of the award are:
1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls you’ve nominated
My chosen are:
1. Melothria -Although she was awarded, her blog is one of the most visited by me.
2. Rachael - For believeing in me and because she is very special to me.
3. Laura - Because she is such a special friend.
4. Mozz - My new Australian friend who designs beautifully!
5. Lita - My dear Puertorican friend who narrates her experiences marvelously!
6. Beatriz - My dear Spanish friend.
7. Scrapshana - A marvelous designer that also has three children like me and left me such a pretty comment that touched my heart...
5 comentarios:
awww, how sweet! Thanks for the award! I'll put it on my blog tomorrow. :) HUGS!
*hugz* you are so lovely, thank you for the award...
I will get it up today and figure who to pass it onto :)
Been busy playing so should have some things up today.. fingers crossed :)
Just me yet again, guess what lol, you got another award :)
Un abrazo de felicitación
Thank you for blog award.. You are so sweet for giving it..
Your blog is looking good... I'm still trying to get used to having 2 languages up on it.. You should get a link to translate it too..
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