sábado, 26 de julio de 2008

Mis Ojos y Un Nuevo Premio, My Eyes and a New Award

Hace días comencé a ver doble y hasta triple, así que me fuí al médico y me dijo que tenía mis córneas inflamadas, además de un aumento en mis lentes... No tenía en mi presupuesto para lentes nuevos, así que sólo cambié las micas, y estuve sin ellos hasta hoy... La verdad que no veo bien aún, no sé si serán mis benditas córneas, o que mis ojos no se adaptan o finalmente que la receta no está correcta... Cruzo mis dedos que no sea lo último, pues es como estar sin ojos...
Mi querida amiga Mozz, me envió este par de ojos, no me ayudaron mucho, pero sí me hicieron reír un buen rato... ¡Gracias!
I started to see double and triple a few days ago, so I went to the Doctor and he found that my corneas are swollen and my eyeglasses needed an increase... I didn't have in my budget anything for new eyeglasses, so I only changed the glasses, and was without them until today... To tell you the truth I don't see well yet, I don't know if the cause are my corneas, or that my eyes need some time to adjust, or finally that the prescription isn't correct... I cross my fingers is not the last, because it is like being without eyes...
My dear friend Mozz send me the eyes above, they didn't help me, but made me laugh for a while... Thank you!
Mi nuevo premio....
Beatriz, mi querida amiga española a quien conocí por medio de un grupo donde aprendí a usar el psp, y en el cual sigo, pues hay mil y un niveles, me ha dado el honor de merecer el premio Blog Estrella. Esto sí es una sorpesa enorme pues apenas llevo un mes con él y hay tantos hermosos, que realmente me siento una estrella! Gracias amiga querida... Un abrazo del alma para ti...

My new award...
Beatriz, my dear Spanish friend, who I met in a psp group, and where I continue learning, honored me by giving my blog the "Blog Estrella" (Star Blog) award. This a huge surprise to me because I started it about a month ago and there are so many wonderful blogs, that it makes me feel like a star already! Thank you a lot my dear friend... One soul cuddle for you...

2 comentarios:

Mozz dijo...

*hugz* I am awake and visiting you:P
I do visit I just dont always leave messages..
And I would never remove you Nydia, your to lovely :)
Because I am trying to make my blog look more neat and tidy, I changed the format on the blogs I visited, right at the bottom in very small print it says show all blogs, what it does now is put the blogs that recenlty update in the 10 that are visible and the rest you have to click and it drops down to how it was before.. lol So you are still there lol..
And thank you for your wonderful comments,now I have to go set up an account and get my rear into gear, while trying to get all the things around here done as well..
*huge hugz & love*

Mozz dijo...

hey hey 2 visits in one day lol
Umm just wanted to say hello to a fellow team member,:)
Rachael has accepted me onto her creative team :)..
now I really have to go get something done..luv ya